Can I Check the FESCO E-Bill Without the Reference Number?

Faisalabad Electric Supply Company (FESCO) is one of the major electricity distribution companies in Pakistan, serving millions of consumers with reliable power supply. An integral part of managing your electricity service is the ability to check and pay your FESCO e-bill. The reference number is a critical piece of information for this process, but what happens if you don’t have it? This article explores whether you can check the FESCO e-bill without the reference number and outlines the payment methods available for FESCO bills online.

Understanding the FESCO E-Bill and the Reference Number

An FESCO e-bill contains essential information such as the monthly bill amount, the due date for payment, and any additional charges. It also includes a 10-digit account number used to identify your account. The reference number, usually located at the bottom corner of the bill, is crucial for the utility provider to identify your account and the amount due.

Can You Check the FESCO E-Bill Without the Reference Number?

Unfortunately, you cannot check your FESCO bill online by meter number, name, or CNIC. The reference number is necessary to check the FESCO e-bill online. Without it, you would need to contact FESCO customer service for assistance.

How to Find Your FESCO E-Bill Reference Number

Finding your FESCO e-bill reference number is straightforward. It’s printed on the top right corner of your bill under the heading “Consumer ID”. Here are the steps to find it:

  1. Take out your most recent FESCO bill.
  2. Look at the top right corner of the bill under the heading “Consumer ID”.
  3. You will see a 14-digit number that starts with “20”. This is your FESCO bill reference number.

What to Do If You Lose Your FESCO E-Bill Reference Number

If you’ve lost your FESCO e-bill reference number, don’t worry. You can usually find it on your previous FESCO electricity bills. If you can’t locate it, you may contact FESCO’s customer support for assistance.

In case you have lost your previous bills and can’t find a reference number, you can contact the helpline or visit the nearest regional office of FESCO to get your reference number. You can call their helpline at 111-000-118.

Checking Your FESCO E-Bill Online

To check your FESCO e-bill online, you need to know your 14-digit reference number. Visit the FESCO website, enter your reference number, and you can see your current bill amount and due date. You can view or download the full bill by clicking on ‘View Full Bill’.

FESCO E-Bill Payment Methods

There are several online methods to pay the FESCO e-bill, including through mobile or internet banking-enabled bank accounts, Easy Paisa, or Nadra eSahulat. You can also check the FESCO bill status after initiating a transaction. Offline payment methods include paying at commercial banks, microfinance banks, and post offices.

Challenges without a Reference Number

A. Issues Faced by Consumers

Without the reference number, consumers may encounter challenges in accessing their e-bills. The reference number acts as a unique identifier, linking the consumer to their specific bill details. Without it, the process becomes less straightforward, requiring alternative methods to retrieve the necessary information.

B. Limitations in Accessing E-Bill Information

The absence of a reference number may limit the extent to which consumers can access detailed bill information. Some online platforms and services may prioritize reference-number-based inquiries, potentially restricting the level of information available to those without it.

C. Need for Alternative Methods

Recognizing the limitations, there is a growing need for alternative methods to check FESCO e-bills without the reference number. This ensures that consumers have multiple avenues to access their billing information, promoting inclusivity and convenience.

Exploring Alternative Methods

A. FESCO Official Website

One primary alternative is to use the FESCO official website. The website offers a user-friendly interface where consumers can navigate to the e-bill section. While the reference number is the standard input, the website often provides options for users to retrieve their bills using other information, such as the consumer’s name or account number.

1. Step-by-Step Guide

To check your FESCO e-bill without the reference number on the official website, follow these steps:

  • Visit the FESCO official website.
  • Navigate to the ‘Bill Inquiry’ or ‘Consumer Services’ section.
  • Enter relevant details such as consumer name or account number.
  • Access your e-bill information.

2. Features Available on the Website

The FESCO website may offer additional features such as bill payment options, consumption history, and energy-saving tips. Exploring these features enhances the overall user experience.

B. Mobile Applications

FESCO often provides dedicated mobile applications that enable consumers to manage their electricity-related tasks on the go. These apps typically include features for checking and paying bills.

1. Overview of FESCO Mobile Apps

FESCO mobile apps are designed to provide a seamless user experience. They are available for download on major app stores, catering to both Android and iOS users.

2. How to Check E-Bill Using Mobile Apps

Once the app is installed, users can log in using their credentials or register for a new account. The app usually allows users to check their e-bill by entering alternative information such as the consumer’s name or account number.

C. Customer Care Services

For those facing difficulties online, another viable option is to reach out to FESCO’s customer care services. The helpline is equipped to assist consumers in various tasks, including e-bill inquiries.

1. Contacting FESCO Helpline for Assistance

Consumers can dial the FESCO helpline and speak with customer care representatives. By providing necessary details like the consumer’s name and account number, the representatives can assist in retrieving e-bill information.

2. Exploring Automated Systems

FESCO’s automated systems, accessible through the helpline, can guide consumers through bill inquiry processes without the need for a reference number. These systems often use voice recognition or keypad inputs for a quick and efficient experience.

Additional Services

FESCO provides the option to download and print a duplicate bill online. They also offer a bill calculator to estimate the bill amount.


The reference number is vital for checking and managing your FESCO e-bill. It’s important to keep track of this number, but if it’s lost, there are steps you can take to retrieve it or get assistance from FESCO customer support. With various payment methods available, both online and offline, consumers have multiple options for settling their electricity bills.

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