The Five Most Effective Ways to Conserve Electricity

It’s summertime, it’s hot, and the use of electricity is increasing just in line with the heat. When we start looking in the direction of ways we can cool ourselves and cool down, we are often looking at ways to reduce energy consumption simultaneously. There are plenty of methods to reduce some of your consumption (and we would recommend taking advantage of every opportunity you can) We want you to be aware of five most efficient methods to save electricity this summer!

Why Conservation is Important ?

In addition to the obvious impact that conservation can have on your family knowing the most efficient ways to reduce energy consumption at home can be helpful to the electric grid of the state in general. If and when the summer heat, along with a higher power consumption is close to exceeding the threshold for electricity reserves set by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) and we are close to crossing the threshold, we may be required to conserve energy. If ERCOT will issue an appeal to Texas residents to save energy, it is important to ensure that you are aware of what efficient strategies are the most efficient.

1. You can turn the AC into 78 ° or the highest you can endure it.

Although GVEC has always advised setting your AC at 78 degrees in the summer months to keep your summertime expenses at a minimum It is also among the best ways to save energy. Turning the setting down 3 or 4 degrees will help. Keep in mind that the smaller the difference between outside temperature and the temperature set within your home and the greater energy you’re conserving!

2. Do not shower during the time between 3 p.m. between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.

There are several reasons why this technique is efficient in conserving energy. Water heaters, for instance, require a significant amount of energy. Additionally, the period between p.m. between 3 and seven p.m. is the time where the need for energy increases. This is due to the fact that it is typically the most hot time of the day. More households are in residence at this time, and households generally consume a large amount of energy during this period.

3. Wash your clothes in cold water. Do not dry or wash your clothes during the time between 3 p.m. between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.

The reason for this is similar to those mentioned in the previous paragraph. When washing your laundry in cold water won’t take more energy from the water heater when you use your washing machine. This is a fantastic electricity savings tip at any season. Dryers for clothes consume plenty of energy, and late afternoon and evening is when the usage is typically high. Utilizing as little energy as is possible during peak demand times can help to reduce pressure on the grid.

4. Do not run dishwashers or pool pumps until the night before.

You’re sure to know the reason! This is repeated due to the importance. The operation of this equipment as well as the hot water required to wash dishes during periods of high demand can add to a strain upon the grid. The reduction of the strain on the grid in peak times is vital in the case of ERCOT sending out an appeal for conservation to the public.

5. Beware of heating your home’s interior by cooking outdoors.

In fact, not using the electric oven can save you money, however this is especially beneficial to those with gas stoves too. Whatever oven you own cooking in it, the heat generated by cooking within can warm your home. This results in your AC to consume more energy in order to cool your home to the temperature that your thermostat is set to. Cooking outdoors can help keep your home cooler and conserve energy. Grilling is among of the most enjoyable summer activities you can kill two birds by a stone (and you can then enjoy the leftovers for dinner).

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