If you are unaware of office address for Lesco Lahore office. No need to worry you are at right place you are going to get the address on the next paragraph.
Lesco is one of the most important institutes of Pakistan. As you know lesco deals with the area near Lahore and nearby so lesco Lahore is the main office for this institute. The main office is situated at Lesco, Nishtar Town, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan you can visit them any time in there working hours or you can simply call them on helpline number.
You can visit them Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM. There are also many other offices of lesco for all kind of departments so before visiting office make sure you are going to the right one.
If you had any problem in registering complaints you can simply visit Lesco complain office which is situated in Lahore address is mentioned below.
Normally anyone can register a complaint from home by simply calling but if for any reason you are not able to register a complaint just visit the office and get your problem resolved.
Why the Lesco Office?
Most of the time when you are talking to a person on a call you don’t know the role that person has in the company. Mostly those are customer support people and don’t know all the details you are looking for.
So Visiting office would help you find the most suitable person for your query and get your problem resolved as soon as possible.
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