8 Tips on How to Tell if Diamonds Are Real

If you’ve ever tried to buy a diamond, then you know how confusing it can be. There are so many different terms and grades that it’s easy to get confused. Plus, there’s the fact that some of these terms aren’t even regulated by law or even internationally accepted.

How can you tell if diamonds are real or fake? You might think it’s easy to spot the difference between a real diamond and a fake, but many fakes are so convincing that it can be difficult to tell them apart. However, there are ways to distinguish between a real and a fake diamond. Here are tips on how to tell if diamonds are real.

  1. Look for Inclusions

The best way to determine whether or not a diamond is fake is by looking for inclusions. Inclusions are imperfections in the diamond that make it less valuable. If you look closely with a loupe, you’ll see that these imperfections look like small lines or dots on the stone’s surface. They’re caused by impurities trapped inside the crystal during its formation – usually tiny bits of metal or other minerals from the earth’s crust.

You can also find inclusions by placing a drop of water on your finger and then touching it gently onto the surface of your stone. If there are any inclusions, they’ll appear as small white spots when viewed under magnification.

  1. Look at the Diamond’s Under Color

When a diamond has no color, it will have an under color that appears when you look at it through a loupe or microscope. Diamonds with no color have an under color that looks like a dark gray or black band across the bottom of the diamond. This band is referred to as “the mantle.” If you don’t see this mantle, then there’s a good chance that your stone isn’t real.

  1. Check for Weight Imbalance

If you’re buying a loose diamond from someone other than a jeweler, check its weight balance by placing it on top of another stone and looking for any signs of imbalance (i.e., one side sags more than the other). If your diamond is off-balance, it may be fake because real diamonds usually have minimal variation in weight between different sizes or shapes of stones.

  1. Look at the Clarity

Real diamonds have flaws in them, which is why they have clarity ratings. The more flaws a diamond has, the lower its clarity rating. Diamonds with a higher clarity rating look whiter, but even extremely white ones can still have some tiny imperfections visible under magnification. If you hold your diamond up to a light source, look for any large and small flaws inside it and around its edges.

  1. Use a Loupe or Microscope to Examine the Diamond’s Cut

A fake diamond may look good from far away, but up close, it will have imperfections that can’t be seen with the naked eye. For example, a fake diamond might have rough edges or facets that don’t match up perfectly. If you’re unsure about using a loupe or microscope, consult your local jeweler for help.

  1. Use an Ultraviolet Light to Spot Synthetic Diamonds

Some synthetic diamonds fluoresce under UV light because they contain boron atoms that react with ultraviolet radiation and emit visible light at specific wavelengths (usually blue). This effect is called “luminescence.” If you suspect that your diamond is synthetic but want to confirm it before selling it off as real (or buying one as an investment), shine an ultraviolet light on it and look for any fluorescence around its surface area.

  1. Look at the Diamond’s Cut

As one of the most important factors for a diamond’s beauty and value, cut is usually the first thing that people look at when examining a diamond. The cut of a diamond refers to its proportions, symmetry, and polish. A well-cut diamond has precise proportions that allow it to reflect light to make it sparkle more brightly than other types of stone. It also has very few inclusions (the technical term for small imperfections in a stone) which can be seen as lines or dots on the surface of the diamond if you look closely enough.

  1. Check for Fluorescence

Fluorescence is when a gemstone emits light under short-wave ultraviolet light. When diamonds are exposed to this kind of light, they will glow with a blue, green, or yellow color. If your diamond doesn’t fluoresce, it may be synthetic or treated with an oil that makes it look like it has been treated. The only way to tell for sure is by having your diamond tested at an accredited gem lab.

Final Word

Diamonds are the most expensive gemstones on the market today. They are also extremely popular and are used in many different jewelry designs. If you have ever wondered how to tell if your diamond is real, this article will help you out. We’ve discussed some tips on how to tell if diamonds are real or fake.

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